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One Hot Rule for Becoming a More Dynamic Leader

What can make you a more dynamic leader this year?  As leaders, we are always striving to improve.  We’re not happy with the status quo.  We are always seeking a better way to operate, to motivate, to lead.

As you reflect on the past 6-12 months it is wise to ask yourself, “What can I do better in the future?”  Kat Cole, the group president for Focused Brands, provides an outstanding rule for identifying how to become a more dynamic leader. Her rule is not only great advice, it also has a great name: The Hotshot Rule.

The Hotshot Rule – how to stay ahead as a leader

The Hotshot rule asks you to evaluate your life from the perspective of a fresh, young hot-shot. If he or she assessed your leadership, what would the hot-shot find unacceptable?

It probably doesn’t take much imagination for you to envision an energetic go-getter coming in and smirking at some sluggish areas in your life.  The question to ask yourself is “Where would this Hotshot start?” “What areas of my life need an overhaul?”

Once you’ve identified those areas, do something about it.  Don’t wait for the fictionalized hot-shot to become The Hotshot. Take action.

Where do I start to improve my leadership?

Sometimes it is hard to know where to start. Kat Cole recommends focusing on “things small enough to change, but big enough to matter”.  I think of it as the proverbial eating an elephant – one bite at a time.  Over the course of several weeks and months the little bites add up to a whole lot of impact.

What is the one thing you can set your vision for today that will allow everything else to fall into place?  By focusing on the right thing first, everything else will be more effective. Go after that one, right, thing and watch the transformation.

Model Great Leadership to Others

Everyone has room to improve.  Model the Hotshot Rule to others.  When you help others see what is possible, you create influence.  Show them what they could be doing.

In this video, Kat Cole encourages us to share the vision you see for your organization. As you share your vision, others will catch that vision and share it with others.  This leads to an endless cycle of progressive vision.  Once people start to believe the vision, they will start to act on it, which translates to results.

No matter what level you are, there will be many firsts in front of you.  It’s important to encourage people to get started on their ‘firsts’.  This will surround you with stronger leaders which is a great way to win.

This year, set goals that a Hotshot would admire. Identify areas you are weak and take action to improve.