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The Economic Impact of Early Childhood Education with Amanda Greenwell

Why should businesses and business owners help kids succeed? Joining us today on the Talent Magnet Institute Podcast is Amanda Greenwell, Director of the Northern Kentucky Area Center. On this episode we’re talking about early childhood education: why does it matter, and why should you care? Amanda’s personal experience When…

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Let’s Connect at Leadercast Live

Leadercast Live is the world’s largest leadership simulcast, broadcast worldwide every year. Thousands of leaders gather together all around the world to view leaders sharing their insight on being a better leader, colleague, and team. Leadercast Live 2019: Leading Healthy Teams, takes place May 10th. Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five…

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Creating Thriving Organizations with Elaine Suess

How can we create a thriving organization? Elaine Suess is the President of BeyondBeing Executive & Leadership Coaching. On this episode, she shares how she builds positive cultures in organizations and helps leaders reach higher levels of success by focusing on strengths, asking questions, and quite literally changing the way…

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Being CEO: It’s About the Journey and the Destination with Candace McGraw

  How can you make an organization the size of a small city feel like home? Candace McGraw is the Chief Executive Officer of the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport or CVG. This organization spans 14,000 people and 7,500 acres — and somehow, Candace and her team are able to build…

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Make Your Organization’s Last Impression a Good One

When an employee announces their resignation, a lengthy "to do" list ensues - that’s just a fact. There are exit interviews to be conducted, responsibilities to shift, paperwork to be completed, and security credentials to manage. Frankly, it can be a hassle when an employee moves on; a natural reaction…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Starting Your Own Business with Todd Pfister

Should you start your own business? And if so, what kind of business should you run? Todd Pfister is the Managing Partner of FranNet MidAmerica and a Partner of TP4 Advisors. On this episode of the Talent Magnet Institute Podcast, we’re talking about entrepreneurship: how to know if it’s right…

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Leaning into Organizational Performance with Priya Klocek

  How can we understand people better and lean into organizational performance? Priya Klocek is the President and CEO of Consulting On The Go and is a board member of Women Helping Women. Today we’re talking about building relationships and recognizing yourself as an individual, so you can show up…

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Inclusive Capitalism: This Effort Can Make Your Success Sustainable

Getting and keeping talent is one of every business leader’s top initiatives. It is also the breeding ground for many headaches as the struggle is real and constant.  There never seems to be enough workers, available and interested, to get the necessary work done.  Between the lack of people needing…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Herding Tigers: Leading Creative Teams with Todd Henry

Are you the type of leader that creative people need? Todd Henry is a keynote speaker and the author of Louder Than Words, Die Empty, The Accidental Creative, and — the book we’re diving into today — Herding Tigers. Doing the work and leading the work are very different things.…

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