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Category: Corporate Culture

What’s the Big Deal about Returning to the Office?

We imagine you, along with most people, have an opinion about the necessity of physically working in an office. The unprecedented lockdown that came with COVID-19 showed us that working remotely is possible for many positions, but the question still remains whether it’s the optimal way to do work. A…

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How You Should Treat Resigning Employees

I am passionate about helping business leaders be successful and we all know that people are the biggest factor in making that happen. For that reason, our team often talks about the best-case scenarios regarding employee engagement and retention. Those topics are incredibly important, but I also want to offer…

Category: Corporate Culture
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How to Retain your Employees During the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is a hot topic in the business world. It’s exciting for some and infuriating for others. Those in the ranks of the excited are the people who are eager to make a jump and and try their hand at a new opportunity.  On the flip side, the…

Category: Corporate Culture
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To See a Difference, Be the Difference!

With all the significant media attention, it would be hard to miss the current conversations about racial injustice in our world. You may be thinking about what you can do to positively contribute to the solution (inclusion) yourself. It is natural to wait for some unknown person with significant power…

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How to Set Up a High Performing Team

Every business should strive to build high performing teams. After all, if you’re not performing, then you’re not succeeding to the best of your potential. There are many great high-performing team models that you can look at, and within these, there is often plenty of overlap. Managing and developing your…

Category: Corporate Culture
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What Business Owners Need to Know About Diversity in Leadership

The full version of this article was originally published by Cincinnati Business Courier and can be found here. We are halfway through 2020, a year destined to be remembered as a landmark one in history with “change” as the optimal word to describe the experience so far. Nearly every facet…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Your Team; This Crisis: Who Are the Real Leaders?

You, the CEO, along with your leadership team, carefully crafted your company’s values-- which are now on the walls at your office and probably on page 2 of your annual report. While writing your company values, the world and your environment were somewhat predictable. Your vision was clear on how…

Category: Corporate Culture
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The New Virtual Reality for Business, Week 2: Tech Tricks Prevailed

Raise your hand if your email box is on overload. Wait.  I forgot.  This is a blog post, not a meeting.  Or a webinar.  Sorry.  I am still adjusting to this virtual business world! Last week, I wrote of some hacks that saw our team through that First Week of…

Category: Corporate Culture
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The New Virtual Reality for Business

Like you, the team at Centennial just finished “Week 1” of quarantine life.  We are fortunate in that more than half of our team was already a remote "flex force". Even so, there have already been great learnings, and we plan to continuously evolve. I am sharing what worked for…

Category: Corporate Culture
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