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Finding Purpose Begins at the End: The Tombstone Principle

We all long for purpose.  It’s hard-wired into us to desire a meaningful life:  A life that matters and has impact.  Our quest to find that purpose drives us.  Too often, however, our purpose eludes us and we spend endless time searching but never finding.  That is why I recommend…

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Lessons Learned: The Fido Factor and Shooting for Par with Dan and Krissi Barr

  What happens when you mix marriage and business? For Krissi and Dan Barr, it’s success, fun in conflict, and two bestselling books. They are the co-authors of “Plugged: Dig Out and Get the Right Things Done,” and “The Fido Factor: How to Get a Leg Up at Work.” Together,…

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The Cincinnati Experience and How It Benefits Business with Julie Calvert

  How can you breathe new life into a city? Stories. Discover the impact that messaging and stories can have to elevate your community and move it giant steps forward. The guest for today’s episode is Julie Calvert, President and CEO of the Cincinnati USA Convention and Visitors Bureau. She’s…

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Fear in the C-Suite: How to Transform It Into Opportunity

The #1 thing that holds anyone back is fear. It’s a basic human reaction. If we take all the fears we have in life, they narrow down to 3 categories: Fear of failing, fear of not being accepted by others and the fear of dying. All three of these have…

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Team Building and Generational Diversity with David Velie

‘Millenials are like this; Gen Zs are like that.’ Statements like this put employees in little boxes and don't let them shine with unique talent. To be a talent magnet, you need to understand how people think. Why do people want to work for your organization? What do you have…

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How to Subscribe and Review a Podcast

Subscribing to a podcast makes accessing your favorite podcasts a whole lot easier.  And leaving a review is a huge benefit to other curious listeners.  Despite these clear benefits, the process to subscribe and review can be a little tricky.  For that reason, we put together step-by-step directions to help…

Category: Resources
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What You Need to Become a Talent Magnet with David Velie

  Your company’s culture and success all start from the same place: hiring the right people in the first place. So how do you attract the right people and recruit exceptional employees to your organization or venture? That’s the subject of today’s show with the CEO of AMEND Ventures, David…

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Should I Share Personal Issues in the Workplace?

I’m a breast cancer survivor.  You may have your own cancer story. Or maybe your struggle looks completely different but has just as profoundly turned your world upside down.  The reality is, we will all encounter a personal issue that will intrude on our professional life more than we wish. …

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Changing How People Perceive Skilled Trades with Dieter Moeller

  How does the manufacturing industry provide an equal opportunity to compete with the newer fields? Dieter Moeller, CEO at Rhinestahl Corporation, says that the skills trade business has dramatically evolved over the years. Innovation has turned this long-standing industry into one with greater employment opportunities. Today, Mike and Dieter…

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