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Our Blog

Centennial’s 2017 “Best of the Blog”

When we were mapping out our strategic plan for 2017, our marketing team set an aggressive goal:  To publish a blog post every Monday. We wanted our posts to enhance your leadership—helping you lead yourself, your teams, and your organization. Fifty-two (52!) weeks of content--it seemed like a lofty goal.…

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A Holiday Message for You!

No matter how you spend your day, We hope it’s in a merry way! Enjoying family, friends, food & fun Is the “pressing work” that needs to be done. So cheers to you and all praise Above-- May this special day be filled with love! Merry Christmas & Happiest of…

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Family Business Lessons from the Skywalker Family

The Star Wars and Skywalker family legacy continues as we look upon another Jedi-generation wrestling with the question of who they are and how their future will be defined. In the Skywalker family, each generation wrestles with the expectations that others have for them. Each generation has to confront and…

Category: Family Business
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Attracting and Retaining Your Best Talent Requires More Than the Basics

If you want to attract and retain the right kind of talent, you must offer the right kind of benefits.  The benefits I'm referring to encompass everything from healthcare to advancement opportunities.  What motivators do you offer? Do these motivators distinguish your organization from others that may want to woo…

Category: Corporate Culture
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59 Leadership Reminders That Your Work Matters

I recently attended the conference Unpolished: The Intersection of Faith and Entrepreneurship. I referenced the conference in a previous blog post that addressed "the top."   Comments from that post, coupled with encouragement from multiple colleagues to summarize my conference notes, resulted in my top 59 "learnings," which I share with…

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What Your Thanksgiving Dinner Has to do with Executive Search

Thanksgiving.  The word alone conjures up so many homey feelings. Food. Family. More food. Warmth. Laughter. And more food.  The spread of abundant food is the star of Thanksgiving.  In the spirit of the holiday, let’s consider how your Thanksgiving feast is similar to your executive search strategy.  Farfetched?  Keep…

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Don’t Lose Sight of Your Core Purpose

In your effort to keep your organization fresh and attractive, don’t forget what brought you success in the first place.  Don’t lose sight of your core purpose. Organizations are created to provide a solution to a need.  When someone develops a solution to a problem, organizations are born.  That initial…

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The Top Isn’t Necessarily “All That”

I recently attended the entrepreneurship conference, Unpolished, hosted at Crossroads Church. Crossroads’ pastor and author Brian Tome kicked off the conference with a story that is relevant for any leader running an organization.  Brian told the story of a vacation he and his wife took to Costa Rica. As they…

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Does Fear Influence Your Decisions?

It seems as if Halloween is the only time of the year where it is acceptable to discuss fear.  Yet, even then, fear is not discussed in terms of its often very real role—that of influencer. Do you recognize the influence fear is having in your life? When big decisions…

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