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Communicate Like An Executive to Get Your Ideas Heard

Jennifer McClure is a long-time partner and friend of Centennial. Her leadership talents have been, and continue to be, a valuable part of our efforts to empower organizations to plan, hire, retain, and grow. This week we are featuring an article originally published on Jennifer's website.  She provides practical advice…

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Mistakes Executives Make with Their Network

A large percentage of our placements come from referrals. The clear message is that networks are a vital resource when you are in job transition. But what happens to your network when you’re not looking for your next job? When you’re secure in a job, do you lose touch with your…

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Leadership Styles Can Cripple Culture

Many books have been written connecting culture and excellent service, including from the world famous DeJulius Group, Mercedes, Nordstrom, and Starbucks.  But, there is an undeniable connection between what happens “behind the counter” and what happens in front of the counter. So, what’s the secret to great culture and outstanding…

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TED Talks for the Treadmill

I love to exercise outside. Most people do.  Our mild winter certainly has kept me outdoors more than usual in January and February.  However, there have been the occasional days when I have had to use the elliptical in my garage.  Sigh! Snore! Boooring—if it weren’t for TED Talks! TED…

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Boosting Your EQ is a Boost to Your Career

There is a clear link between job performance and emotional intelligence.  Last month we took a look at 9 Habits exhibited by people with a high emotional quotient (EQ). As a leader, it’s important to be able to identify high EQ when you’re hiring for a critical position. However, as…

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It’s Valentine’s Day. Do Your Employees Know You Appreciate Them?

Valentine’s Day is a great time to recognize those you appreciate.  It always feels good to know someone is a happier person because you are in their life.  Your employees included. Of course, if you live wretchedly the other 364 days a year, one special Valentine treat will not make…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Because Sometimes You Just Need Some Motivation…

Life is challenging.  Sometimes we need a fresh dose of inspiration and motivation to keep us going.  A few moments spent inspiring yourself can recharge you for the challenges that lie ahead. That’s the purpose of this article.  Infusing some fresh motivation into your week. A motivating article This article…

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IQ or EQ; Which is More Critical to your Job Performance?

Evidence continues to support high "EQ," or emotional quotient, as a predictor of strong leadership. Unfortunately, a high emotional quotient, also called emotional intelligence, is harder to spot than a high IQ.  If your organization seeks strong leaders, it's important to educate yourself on identifying high emotional intelligence. Before you question my own IQ,…

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Satisfactory Customer Service Isn’t Enough

We all want to “wow” our customers.  The “wow” is what transforms “ordinary customers” into “extraordinary customers”—who are loyal to your organization and become ambassadors for it.  And, face it: Satisfactory customer service will not elevate or enhance your customer relationships. Satisfactory customer service will not prompt your customers to…

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