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How To Land a Job in the City of Your Choice

You know where you want to live, now you need to land a job there.  There are many reasons a city may call to you; family, climate, culture or just an overall appeal.  How do you go about getting a job in the city of your choice? Guest writer Dan…

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One Hot Rule for Becoming a More Dynamic Leader

What can make you a more dynamic leader this year?  As leaders, we are always striving to improve.  We’re not happy with the status quo.  We are always seeking a better way to operate, to motivate, to lead. As you reflect on the past 6-12 months it is wise to…

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Who Influences Your Leadership?

Sharpening the saw is a critically important aspect of leadership. I find it critically important to read positive, proactive, insightful and energy giving material. It is true, both professionally and personally, for me. "We are what we read, what we listen to and who we associate with." Who influences you must be a thoughtful decision. I…

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Choose Your Own “Boxing Day”

I hope you are enjoying this wonderful holiday season! To many of Centennial’s international clients, we also send along good wishes for a happy “Boxing Day.” December 26 is a day acknowledged in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth nations as Boxing Day. While it has evolved into a pseudo “Black…

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Centennial’s 2016 By The Numbers

Empowering organizations to plan, hire, retain, and grow is what Centennial does best. We've been reflecting on how we accomplished that in 2016 and how we plan to best serve our client organizations in 2017. Centennial:  2016 by the numbers [caption id="attachment_7596" align="alignright" width="259"] Centennial appeared on the cover of Northern…

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Clarity Makes a Vision Reality

Strategic Planning season is coming to a close.  You've talked about your organization's purpose--it's reason for being. You've kicked around your mission statement, or how you will get from point A to point B.  Most importantly, you have dreamed, and continue to dream, about your organizational vision--what you hope to…

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10 Characteristics of Promotable Employees

Promoting employees can be an important talent retention tool and is a great way to reward excellence. Promoting from within sends a message to all employees: that hard work is recognized; that organization loyalty is valued; and that the organization sees current employees as crucial to future success. If the…

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“Retreat” to Be a Better Leader

Last week, our Centennial team took a “time out” for a corporate retreat. Getting 16 super energized colleagues to slow down was no easy feat. Calendars had to align. A retreat site had to be determined. Flights to and from NYC had to be coordinated for those traveling from our…

Category: Corporate Culture
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PDi Communication Systems Expands Management Team

PDi Communication Systems, a privately held leader in advanced entertainment solutions for the healthcare market, has made three additions to the their management team: Kim Bacovin, Director of Human Resources; Tobi White, Director of Supply Chain; and David Gifford, Quality Manager. All three are members of the company’s executive leadership…

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