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5 Traits of Good Business Sportsmanship

Being the Best Doesn't Make You a Winner I love watching sporting events with my kids, but as my kids have gotten older and more perceptive, I've become more and more disgusted by poor sportsmanship.  I want my three kids to see good role models that not only perform well…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Team Chemistry Among New York’s Bravest

Last year leadership team members at Centennial were able to see, first-hand, how team chemistry is built among New York's Bravest - @FDNY. Our team attended a leadership conference in New York City and on the last day of our trip we traveled across the city to experience the 9/11 Memorial. It was the same…

Category: Corporate Culture
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4 Keys to Leadership Development

One of the professional development opportunities I have been fortunate to participate in is CORE Growth, a leadership development program for emerging leaders.  Our cohort includes five individuals with different job titles from various industries. What we have in common is each of our organizations sees us as an emerging…

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Team Chemistry: That Elusive, Crucial, Necessary “Spark”

One of the best parts of working at Centennial is our wonderful internship program.  I am always amazed by these shining stars.  They are on the cutting edge of research and frequently have refreshing, valuable, unbiased insights since it is early in their careers. We learn so much from them in our short…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Leadership and Relationships – Can You Have One Without the Other?

Do you believe you can separate leadership and relationships? I spent several months studying the attributes of healthy relationships in the Bible, specifically Romans 12. Reading, reflecting, and analyzing the Scripture's intentions and goals. There are so many great life lessons in these verses.  Great learnings for being a better leader. What I learned shouldn't surprise you.…

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Take Our Workforce Pipeline Quiz!

Think you know all you need to know about the workforce pipeline? Test your knowledge by taking the quick quiz below!  If you attended the recent panel discussion co-sponsored by Centennial and FranNet, you will know the answers.  If you weren’t able to join us, an answer key fortunately follows…

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6 Questions to Ask Yourself Daily

To lead well you must be bold, have passion and have purpose. In our business, we get to meet people who have all three of these leadership characteristics and find that many have a mantra or philosophy for their leadership style and approach. One leader I especially admire is a VP…

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Entreprerrenials: A New Workforce Demographic

There is a gifted sector of talent that is regularly overlooked in corporate America today.  The talent who make up this sector come from a wide range of backgrounds and all possess a real understanding of what it takes to build a business.  This talent pool is one I refer…

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The Centennial Name: A “Beacon” for 114 Years!

Quirky but true, we share a name with the world's longest burning light bulb: Centennial.  A close business contact recently made us aware of this fun connection, and we find it a great reminder of the value of working hard and burning bright. The Centennial Bulb: Burning Bright for 114 Years! Here's a bit…

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