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Healthy Beginnings – A Non-Profit in Cincinnati that Cares for Babies

A Special Non-profit in Cincinnati Centennial, Inc. admires a special non-profit in Cincinnati, Healthy Beginnings, for their legacy of providing quality medical care to expectant women in an environment of life-changing love and hope.  With nearly 50% of families living in poverty and without medical insurance, we celebrate the fact that…

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Chick-Fil-A Leadercast – Don’t Make A Choice that will Make You a Liar for Life

[caption id="attachment_2119" align="alignright" width="300"] Heather Alexander's Kids-Maleah & Austin "I want to leave a legacy for them, and teach them to leave a legacy for their generation."[/caption] Our company, Centennial, seeks to train us to not only be better at what we do - recruiting and engaging top talent for client organizations…

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Employee Engagement – Three Obstacles Between Hearing and Understanding

[caption id="attachment_1940" align="alignleft" width="240"] borzaya-Fotolia.com[/caption] Today, we invited Mike Henry Sr., Founder of the Lead Change Group to write about employee engagement.   We think we hear. A few weeks ago, in a brief talk she gave about diversity, Teri Aulph said, "Diversity is hearing every voice." To be clear, I'm confident…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Skype Interview- A 13 Point Checklist

We at Centennial, Inc. use Skype interview out of town candidates, so we know that this type of interview is very popular and will continue to gain in use as well.  Whether it is Skype, Oovoo, Google Video Chat, FaceTime or any other video interviewing tool, there are some things we…

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Meredith’s Miracles | Creating a Legacy in Cincinnati

Meredith's Miracles Each person has a unique story to tell, a legacy to leave.  Centennial, Inc. admires Meredith’s story and her miraculous legacy that is helping many individuals and families in our Cincinnati community.  Meredith’s Miracles, as a non-profit organization, raises awareness about the symptoms of colon cancer and provides…

Category: Resources
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Executive Coaching – Now Is the Season to Recommit to Learning | Part 2

  Did you take the challenge that I gave you in Part 1?  If you didn’t, here it is again: **Write down at least two significant things that you are committed to learn, re-learn, or earn advanced expertise in during the next nine months.**  Are you someone who continues to…

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4 Ways to Stand Out as a Leading Candidate

Here are four ways regarding your attitude and preparation that will help you stand out as a leading candidate: Is this a Fit for You?  You Decide. Before the interview, you have the opportunity to review the parameters of the job and decide whether or not this is a fit…

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Now is the Season to Recommit to Learning – Part 1 by Randy Pound

Do you Recommit Yourself to Learning Every Year? My favorite time of year is rapidly approaching and the nostalgic indicators of the Fall season are beginning to reveal themselves more every day.  The cornstalks are starting to dry indicating that the harvest is approaching, pre-season football games are almost underway,…

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