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Building Executive Presence Through Your Resume

By Nelly Grinfeld, Resume Writer and Career Transition Expert

If you are active on LinkedIn, or have started conducting a job search, you’ve probably encountered talk about executive presence. Having executive presence can be a critical differentiator in how you are perceived and how you’re able to impact those around you.

What exactly is executive presence, and how does it apply to your resume? Executive presence can be defined beyond how you show yourself.  It also includes your ability to project confidence, credibility, and authority, as well as your ability to inspire, influence, and lead effectively.

Executive Presence and Your Future Position

As a Nationally Certified Resume Writer and Certified Employment Interview Consultant, I’ve worked with numerous job seekers to create powerful career documents and prepare them for job interviews. When I craft resumes for executives and aspiring executives, I lead my clients to create a document for the position they want, not the position they have. That doesn’t mean making things up or falsifying details of your experience. Instead, think about the highest-level activities of your last job and expand upon them.

Answer these questions to help define the activities that represent your executive presence best.  The answers to these questions should be clearly stated in your resume.

  • How did you lead teams effectively?
  • Were you involved in strategic planning and goal setting for the company?
  • Did you influence any major client decisions?
  • Most importantly, what were the results of your actions?

Infuse Executive Presence Throughout Your Resume

Think about the qualities of a leader in your industry that project authority and trustworthiness.  Use those key words in the executive summary section of your resume to highlight your leadership style, key achievements, and areas of expertise.

The experience section should show a clear career progression and should highlight any involvement you had in the higher-level leadership activities required in your target job. Additionally, the education section should demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and development.

A well written resume highlights your relevant experience and makes a strong case for why you’re a good fit for the position. To do that effectively it’s important to customize the resume and/or cover letter for each submission you make, tailoring it to the qualifications required for each role you apply for.

I always advise clients to approach resume customization strategically, so that you don’t get overwhelmed. Think of the resume as a marketing document that must quickly and clearly show the reader what you have achieved and what you are able to bring to your next employer.

Resume Formatting is Part of Your Executive Presence

In addition to content, the way the resume is formatted should project an executive presence. I recommend using a clean, professional layout with just enough color and formatting that doesn’t distract from the content. This is best done in short paragraphs, concise bullet points, and formatting that enhances readability while avoiding generic statements. The formatting should be used to showcase your expertise to the reader at first glance.

Communicate with Executive Presence in Mind

It’s important to also project an executive presence when communicating with your network and with potential employers. During the interview process, remember to dress for the role you want, and be clear, polite, and assertive when communicating with others. Set yourself apart from the crowd by creating a positive lasting impression and commanding respect. This will give you an edge to advance your career and can make all the difference between being stuck where you are and landing your next target job.

In conclusion, executive presence is a key factor in setting yourself apart in a competitive job market, and your resume is often the first opportunity to demonstrate that presence. By thoughtfully showcasing your leadership qualities, strategic contributions, and measurable achievements, you communicate authority, confidence, and credibility to prospective employers.

Remember, it’s not just about listing your qualifications—it’s about presenting them in a way that reflects the executive-level role you’re pursuing. With a polished format, compelling content, and tailored focus on your target position, your resume will project the executive presence needed to open doors to your next career opportunity.


Nelly Grinfeld is a Nationally Certified Resume Writer and Certified Employment Interview Consultant. Nelly works with motivated professionals from all industries and at all career levels to create powerful resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles, as well as to prepare job seekers to excel at their next job interview. If you are interested in her services, please contact her here.