I read a fantastic article recently on reasons you need a mentor. It brought to my attention how thankful I am that I have grown up in both a family and business where mentoring has been encouraged.
The article written by Patricio Robles provides Six Reasons You Need a Mentor and expounds on the following points:
- Somebody has walked a mile in your shoes before
- Honest feedback is hard to come by
- A mentor can inspire
- A mentor cares more about you than your current job or business
- Your mentor’s advice is free
- Being a mentee will help you become a better mentor
I have parents, a wife, extended family, co-workers, business partners, valued clients and friends who all make investments in me…and for that I am and will always be grateful! (For all of those reading this who invest time and energy in me – THANK YOU!!!)
My personality is such that I am always seeking to learn and grow from the experiences and input from others.
My personal belief is that openness to learn from others will be critical to achieve new heights. Be encouraged, humbled and open and you will grow in ways you never thought of or never thought was possible…
I STRONGLY encourage you to seek out a mentoring relationship for yourself AND mentor another. It can be as formal or as informal as you would like but one thing is for sure – The Mentor and the Mentee will both grow through the process!
Mentoring is Win – Win
If you know of great mentoring programs, opportunities, attributes, articles be encouraged to post! Also, please share your personal experiences, comments and perspectives on this topic.
I can tell you that through parenting my children, and my personal involvement in the Dan Beard Boy Scouts Professional Leadership Network, that mentoring and striving to be an inspiration to others is one of THE MOST gratifying experiences you will have in your life! Experience it and you will cherish it…guaranteed!
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill
Mike Sipple Jr, Vice President – Executive Recruiter / Talent Aquisition Expert / Business Advisor
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