Simplicity is Mission Critical!
Challenge yourself today with these questions from a past Leadercast!
- If we ask you the leader to write a one sentence job description for you and every employee, could you do it?
- What are we doing? Why are we doing it? Where do I fit in?
- What would happen to the industry and our community if our company ceased to exist?
- Are you appropriately engaged with your organization?
- Would your employees say that as a leader you have “calm amidst chaos“?
- What is good, but not best in our organization? What do we need to prune?
- How many company cultures are stuck in “when we did this” and “what we did yesterday”?
- Who is your monkey? (Dr. Henry Cloud uses this analogy of a monkey being stressed out until his buddy was in the cage with him-we need a team, we need each other.)
- What projects, meetings or relationships in my organization need to end?
- Who did I add value to today and how can I add value tomorrow?
- What is one of my leadership landmines?
- Do your employees know where they stand?
- Who and what is filing your calendar?
- Do you have a generosity gene?
- Do your employees give you one more inch in everything they do?
Which of these questions challenges you the most?
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