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Are You Over-Reaching or Over-Training?

Performing at your top game is the same no matter what your “game” is, and whether you "play" it on a court or in an office.  The most devastating mistake any top performer can make is also the same regardless. What is that mistake that no one ever wants to…

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Diversity and Inclusion with Dr Janet Reid

Dr. Janet Reid is the founder of BRBS World, a private global management consulting consortium located in Cincinnati, that works with companies to develop and retain world-class leaders who value diversity and inclusion. Dr. Reid is an author and consultant with 35 years of promoting diversity and inclusion, and today,…

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The Impact of Appreciation on Productivity

I recently watched a great TEDx Bellevue talk (see below) featuring renowned teamwork expert and former major league baseball player Mike Robbins (www.Mike-Robbins.com). The talk focuses on appreciation, a word not applied often enough to corporate cultures. In his talk, Robbins shares how appreciation is relevant in the workplace and…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Becoming Fully Human with Dan Hurley

  Dan Hurley has had an incredible career, and after retirement, he continues to do so. He was a teacher, historian, the Director of Leadership for Leadership Cincinnati, the Interim CEO for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, and a producer and reporter for WKRC TV. Currently, Dan is the…

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Leaders: Know Thyself First

In the retained executive search business, we are privileged to “come alongside” leaders at various stages in their careers—and in their lives.  Often, it is during an exciting time, when a leader is considering joining one of our client’s C-suite teams.  Or, it might be a time when a leader…

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Conscious Capitalism with Steve Shifman

Fellow Cincinnatian Steve Shifman is the president of Michelman, Inc., and has been a dear friend of Centennial for many years. As a believer in conscious capitalism, Steve believes that by leading with community-based values, companies can build up their capacity to change the lives of not only their employees…

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4 Tips for Increasing Your Influence

There are many leadership lessons that you never forget.  One of my pivotal lessons happened over 15 years ago, but I still remember, reflect on, and share the learnings regularly.  It centers around the ability to influence others for the purpose of leading well.  It’s only when people believe in…

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Improving Mental and Physical Stamina with Elyse Jarard

Elyse Jarard is a speaker, author, healthy mindset strategist, principal of My Ripple Effect, as well as Mike’s personal coach for many years. Elyse believes that leaders today need someone supporting them as they navigate the evolution of what leadership is and will become. Discover the science behind the practice…

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Is the Leader You Need Hiding in Plain Sight?

This article was originally published on the Human Capital Institute blog. Have you ever bought something for your home only to realize you already have exactly what you need? This same phenomenon happens in the workplace, and on an even larger scale. The leader you think you need to hire…

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