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5 Reasons to Hire an Executive Search Firm – Why Retained?

Whether or not to hire a retained executive search firm is a decision companies ought to consider carefully. Although it may seem like an odd idea if you already have an internal corporate recruiter, it becomes a highly effective strategy. As a retained executive search firm, Centennial strategically partners with…

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Should You Include an Objective or an Executive Summary on Your Resume?

At Centennial, we strive to provide you with resources that are helpful and relevant to executives today.  With that in mind, we want to take a look at a topic that many executives find daunting and outright confusing: resume writing. It's a topic we find worth revisiting regularly. Your resume…

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Purpose: It’s Actually Not All About You

This past Friday, more than 100,000 people world-wide replaced a “normal” Friday with an “extraordinary” Friday.  They attended Leadercast: Powered by Purpose. Leadercast is the world’s largest leadership summit, simulcast out of Atlanta. Centennial and several other sponsors hosted a local site in Erlanger, KY.  There, more than 300 leaders…

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The World Wants to Know More About You

What is Your Oganizational Brand?

Entice the world with the greatness of you.  That may sound a bit extreme and self-aggrandizing, but hear me out, there’s a lot of business sense in that statement. It's all about developing and promoting your organizational brand. Your organization is more than a product or service. Behind the ‘what’,…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Transition Tips You Probably Haven’t Considered

As leaders, we are often focused on the next challenge to conquer, the next goal to achieve, the next hurdle to overcome.  It’s exciting to take on new endeavors and see where they will lead us.  And then there are the challenges you’d like to avoid.  Specifically, the unpleasant obstacle of…

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The Timeline of a Succession Process

There are many factors that contribute to the ongoing success of your organization, but there is a big one that is often pushed off until it’s too late - the succession process.  To ensure sustainability, you need to take a hard look at what happens to your organization when you’re…

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The Critical Factor in Succession That No One Thinks About

For the continued success of your organization, you need to start thinking about a topic most executives don’t want to think about: succession.  It’s a critical factor in survival and sustainability but it also comes with a lot of fear.  Fear of letting go.  Fear of losing your identity. Fear…

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The Critical Factor in Succession That No One Thinks About

Senior executives pour their lives into the success of their organization.  It’s so much a part of their identity that they can’t imagine life without it. The challenges. The goals. The new pursuits.  However, retirement sounds pretty sweet too. These 2 streams of thought – 1) pressing forward in business,…

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Quotes for March Madness — And Life

Well, I have Villanova going all the way this March. My dreams of winning the office bracket pool are still alive. However, I was not so luck calling the No. 16 seed - UMBC over the No. 1 seed Virginia! It is the victory that 99% of the world didn't…

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