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Category: Leadership Development

Servant Leader vs. Selfish Leader – and Why It Matters

Leaders are driven to succeed.  It’s a necessary quality that moves society forward, finds solutions to problems, and improves our quality of life.  However, as with anything, that drive can be too extreme and too self-focused.  That’s what we want to examine.  Who are you serving in your drive to…

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A “Spoonful of Stress” Helps the “Medicine” Go Down?

Mary Poppins was onto something when she melodically declared, “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”  Unfortunately, there’s a lot more stress available than sugar in the average day.  But fortunately, a "spoonful of stress" can also be quite motivating when you need to tackle a big job.…

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Swinging with the Pendulum Not Always Best

“Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”  This is a phrase you’ve probably heard, and likely said yourself.  This adage describes a pitfall I see too often in organizations: the harmful practice of tossing out something valuable in an effort to make improvements.  Extreme change without careful consideration. Following…

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Leadership Lessons from Military Heroes

In the past year I've read 2 biographies about military heroes and I can't help but be overwhelmed by their dedication and perseverance.  These stories are so mind-blowing that it's hard to believe they are true. Military personnel all over the world have lessons to teach us. Whether we work…

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It’s Summer. Time to Work on Your Dream

How big can you dream?  I dare you to dream beyond what seems possible. Dream beyond your own lifetime. Dream a dream that is so enticing that it is caught and continued on by others. Seem impossible?  It’s been done before. Dreams That Seem Impossible In 1963 there was a…

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A Commentary on Purpose: Are You a Pipe or a Fountain?

Pipes are quite ordinary, typically unattractive and pretty much invisible-- until there’s a problem.  In contrast, fountains are quite lovely, typically beautiful and admired.  If given the choice, which would you rather be--the pipe or the fountain? The obvious choice for most would be the fountain. The conundrum is, there…

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Purpose: It’s Actually Not All About You

This past Friday, more than 100,000 people world-wide replaced a “normal” Friday with an “extraordinary” Friday.  They attended Leadercast: Powered by Purpose. Leadercast is the world’s largest leadership summit, simulcast out of Atlanta. Centennial and several other sponsors hosted a local site in Erlanger, KY.  There, more than 300 leaders…

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The Timeline of a Succession Process

There are many factors that contribute to the ongoing success of your organization, but there is a big one that is often pushed off until it’s too late - the succession process.  To ensure sustainability, you need to take a hard look at what happens to your organization when you’re…

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The Critical Factor in Succession That No One Thinks About

For the continued success of your organization, you need to start thinking about a topic most executives don’t want to think about: succession.  It’s a critical factor in survival and sustainability but it also comes with a lot of fear.  Fear of letting go.  Fear of losing your identity. Fear…

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