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Invest in Those Around You, it Makes a Difference! Part 1 | Dan’s Email

When we work on retained searches, we speak with a lot of candidates through referrals and the applicant process.  During this time, we build relationships and offer advice, even if the person is not a fit for the position.  Most of the time, we have no idea what happens to those that the client did not choose.

One morning Dan, a 24-year old young man with a marketing background, sent me an email.  We had a few discussions during this time of searching for the right candidate, but Dan was not a fit.  However, during our phone conversations he shared with me that he felt he was languishing in his current position and that he was not sure what to do.  We spoke about the importance of networking as a young professional and how critical it was to establish career growth.  Here was Dan’s email to me:

“I have to thank you for getting in touch with me initially.  I pushed hard on networking following our talk and reached out to people in the field on LinkedIn, asking for advice on next steps following my position at [his previous company].  I was introduced to a group (web analytics Wednesday) and attended an event mid-December.  The following week I was contacted by the marketing manager at [his new Company] regarding the marketing position and she had received my information from someone in the web analytics group…I start next week!”

“If you believe business is built on building relationships, then make it your business.” ~Mike Sipple Jr.