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When an Executive Search Firm is Unnecessary

Many organizations feel an executive search firm is not worth the expense.  They are of the opinion that they can do everything internally that an executive search firm would do and by doing it themselves, they can save a bunch of money.  That could be.

I’ve identified 4 components that will help you identify if you are equipped to handle a successful executive search.  Those 4 components are 1) adequate time, 2) polished process, 3) internal alignment and 4) awareness of future goals.  If you have a solid grasp on these, you might just have what it takes to find the right leader to join your organization.

When to Conduct Your Own Executive Search- 4 Components to Consider

  1. Adequate Time: You have the time available to successfully manage the hiring process from beginning to end.

If you can answer “Yes, this is us” to the following situations, you may want to try the search on your own:

  • Your hiring team has little else to focus their attention on.
  • Your customers are happy and satisfied, your innovation pipeline is strong, sales are up, marketing sophistication is at an all-time high, operations are the best they’ve ever been, growth is maximized, and challenges that you and your board of advisors have identified have been tackled.
  • You can dedicate your time to assemble a proper hiring team, generate internal alignment, source an adequate number of candidates from the best talent pools, sort through the candidates to find the “A” talent, maintain proper communication with the interested candidates, coordinating the details of interviews, followed by the offer letter, compensation package, pre-employment screenings, referrals, and onboarding details.
  • You can create and deliver a proper message to the candidates not chosen so that their experience during the process continues to enhance your employment brand.
  1. Polished Process: You have an effective and efficient hiring process that will further enhance your employment brand.

If you can answer “Yes, this is us” to these situations, you may want to try the search on your own:

  • You have a great deal of experience hiring leaders, especially c-suite executives, to an organization, whether in your organization or for countless others.
  • You know that having a polished, proven and sophisticated approach is necessary for attracting the best executives.
  • Your processes are well-oiled and ready to execute since the top talent will be the most sought-after.
  • Everyone who enters the talent pipeline you are about to create, or have built, is going to experience the best. You feel confident that your process represents your organization well and you could easily answer yes to the question, “If you interviewed at your company would you go to work for your company based on that experience?”
  1. Internal Alignment: You know the decision makers in this process and you know what they are seeking in a new hire.

If you can answer “Yes, this is us” to these situations, you may want to try a search on your own:

  • You know the key and final decision maker in your search process.
  • You are certain that you are in complete alignment with all the stakeholders involved.
  • Everyone agrees on the necessary hard and soft skills your new hire must possess which will lead to a quick decision when the right candidate is interviewed.
  1. Awareness of goals: You have a solid grasp on the organization’s near-term and long-term goals.

If you can answer “Yes, this is us” to these situations, you may want to try a search on your own.

  • You are keenly aware of the future direction of the organization so that the executive you hire will not only meet today’s needs but will be a fit for future goals.  The leader will be a good fit for achieving your short and long-range goals.
  • You have experience with hiring for what you desire. You recognize the difference between what you need for today and what you need to take your organization to the next milestone.

Are You Ready to Start Your Hiring Process?

If you carefully considered the 4 components above and you say YES that’s us…here, here!!

If the situations detailed above gives you doubt or puts you in a position where you say – “Yes, time is money and we want the absolute best process and best leaders in our pipeline.” You’ve come to the right place.

There is a reason that board members, existing clients, c-suite advisors and the closest confidants to business leaders are our #1 referral source. They are looking out for your best interest and highest and best use of time, talent, resources and your business.

Proactive Talent Strategy to Deliver Future Growth

The value Centennial brings to those we serve goes far beyond a leadership search. It goes beyond just aligning talent via our 4C Recruiting Process®.

We help our clients see around the corner. We elevate the search conversations based on what we see as the long-term potential. The organizational expertise, competitive insights, market intelligence and employment branding expertise in many cases surpasses the ROI for the hiring of the “right’ executive. We help clients achieve success and their desired outcomes.

You may see it as a search. We see it as a tremendous opportunity to elevate and achieve the desired results. We see it as a perfect opportunity to strengthen what is working and change what is not. We see it as an opportunity to take one or more steps closer to the ultimate outcomes. We know how to elevate the conversation – because that is what we do.

We focus on all 4 components I outlined. We help make stronger organizations and stronger leaders.  Call us today to start maximizing your next hiring decision.