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You’re Hired? Now, Establish Yourself

When you are hired for a new position, it is important to make a good first impression and establish credibility.  We encourage our candidates to follow some of these important points that were made in the HBR video “Establish Credibility in a New Job”:

  • Identify Key Problems or Opportunities
  • Identify Your Bosses Priorities
  • Develop a Plan to Achieve Projects
  • Stay Focused on Projects You Choose

We have some other ways to establish credibility when you are hired:

-We recommend that you read the book: The First 90 Days, by Michael Watkins* .  This book has some key takeaways.

  • You have 90 days to prove that you are an asset to a company.
  • A leader’s transition causes the “so-called” ripple effect.
  • Promote yourself by relearning how to learn, reworking your network, watching out for strengths and watching out for people who want to hold you back.
  • Accelerate your learning so you can make great decisions, possess better control of the job and have the ability to adapt or alter cultures your will discover.
  • Match your strategy to the situation the company is in: start-up, turn-around, realignments or sustaining success.
  • Secure early wins, these are processes you can change or improve right away.
  • Communicate effectively with your boss and negotiate success – this will allow for flexibility in reaching goals and will help set guidelines.
  • Achieve alignment with the strategy, structure, systems, skills and culture within the organization.
  • Learn how to build an effective team or work with the team you have in place.
  • Use your relational skills to build new relationships.
  • Keep a balance between your personal life and your professional life.


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