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Re-frame Rejection for Success

I recently returned from the Global Leadership Summit (GLS), which is a Leadercast-style simulcast featuring thought-leaders and their insights.  The day did not disappoint, and if you’ve never attended either Leadercast or the Global Leadership Summit, you should consider at least one for 2020.  Investing in your leadership is never…

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Shared Experiences: A Spark for Team Chemistry

Most organizations are “in it to win it.” Winning is defined in different ways, depending on the organization. Obviously, winning could mean more points, or maybe a bigger market share.  Or, winning could mean extending the organizational reach to help others more.  Or, winning might be being perceived as the…

Category: Corporate Culture
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A Primer on Implicit Bias–a Student’s Perspective

Author's note:  Recently, my daughter Ellen spent 3 days learning about the working world and exploring career options.  Her high school allows its students time off to do this; to help them as they explore their "next steps."  Even better, Centennial's CEO and President allowed Ellie to spend the day…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Where Hiring Managers Fail – 7 Costly Mistakes

No one wants a hiring process to end poorly.  Whether you end up with the wrong hire or don't hire anyone at all, bad results are frustrating. Because hiring is time-consuming and costly – especially for your senior roles – you want your efforts to end right the first time. …

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The Right Fit for Our Future and Yours

For over 4 decades Centennial has gone the extra mile to ensure that the executives we place are not only competent, but are the right fit for our clients.  We know that success only comes when the client and candidate enjoy a chemistry that makes working together a winning combination. …

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A Year of Wisdom in One Episode with Mike Sipple, Jr.

On this special episode, we’re looking back on the first year of the Talent Magnet Institute Podcast with host Mike Sipple, Jr. We’re highlighting some of our best topics and episodes, telling stories from behind the scenes, and sharing insights from the year that was. Beginnings This podcast began as…

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Finding Employees is Not Your Organization’s Biggest Problem

Finding employees to fill a production line or to expertly lead a team is always a concern.  Talent is currently in short supply and growth cannot happen without it. Surprisingly, attracting and finding employees is not the biggest problem facing organizations. Rather, it is only a small component of a…

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Why Volunteering is Great for Business with Doug Bolton

Volunteering is amazing for communities, but how can it also be great for business? Join us on this episode of the Talent Magnet Institute Podcast with Doug Bolton, a board member and faculty of the Talent Magnet Institute, and the President and CEO of Cincinnati Cares, as he shares with…

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Competitive Advantage of Gender Equity with Meghan Cummings

What does getting to know your employees have to do with your business’s bottom line? In this special episode of the Talent Magnet Institute hosted by Jessica Baron, Centennial Inc.’s Vice President of Executive Search, we are joined by Meghan Cummings. Meghan is the Executive Director of the Women’s Fund…

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