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Executive Search vs. Volume Recruiting

The world of recruiting can be a great mystery to people outside of the industry.  Many companies rely on recruiters to find people to make their businesses run.  Sometimes that means hiring hundreds of people in a short amount of time – as in the case of an expansion project…

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Best Practices for an In-Person Interview

Video interviews have become a common part of a hiring process.  However, in-person interviews are typically part of the process as well.  Some things have not changed for in-person interviews, but it’s good to review best practices and address the changes Covid pandemic has added to the process. Here are…

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Essential Questions to Answer Before Changing Jobs

There are a lot of people looking for a new job.  As a matter of fact, according to CareerArc's Great Resignation + Rehire survey, 23%  plan to quit their job within the next 12 months.  That is almost 1 out of every 4 people! While we appreciate a talent pool,…

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How You Should Treat Resigning Employees

I am passionate about helping business leaders be successful and we all know that people are the biggest factor in making that happen. For that reason, our team often talks about the best-case scenarios regarding employee engagement and retention. Those topics are incredibly important, but I also want to offer…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Interviewing and Thank You Notes

Thank you notes. Are they an antiquated custom or are they still relevant? Are digital thank you notes just as acceptable as handwritten ones? And how much do you have to say to make the note carry some weight? I think it's fair to say that certain thank you notes…

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How to Retain your Employees During the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is a hot topic in the business world. It’s exciting for some and infuriating for others. Those in the ranks of the excited are the people who are eager to make a jump and and try their hand at a new opportunity.  On the flip side, the…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Hire for Success

How do you know if you are hiring the right people for your organization - people who will help you go places and motivate others to do the same? What questions should you be asking in an interview to be confident that you are hiring the right person for your…

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8 Emotional Lessons of Succession

This article was originally published at familybusinessmagazine.com. In 2001, Mike Sipple, Jr. joined the family business, a boutique executive search firm, for the purpose of having a steady income to help avoid college debt. He studied landscape design and had his eyes set on using his creativity in that field.…

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Laura Mitchell joins Beech Acres Parenting Center as President and CEO

On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, Laura Mitchell, former Cincinnati Public School superintendent, joined Beech Acres Parenting Center as their President and CEO.  Laura succeeds Jim Mason who has effectively led the organization for 42 years. Centennial was chosen to lead this search and work alongside the search committee of Beech…

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