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How to Hire Board Members for Your Business

Selecting board members is an important process when creating the structure of your business. Choosing the right members of the board can give you access to experience and significant industry connections. Both of these things can improve your ability to grow. Many businesses opt to fill their board with friends…

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To See a Difference, Be the Difference!

With all the significant media attention, it would be hard to miss the current conversations about racial injustice in our world. You may be thinking about what you can do to positively contribute to the solution (inclusion) yourself. It is natural to wait for some unknown person with significant power…

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Virtual Interview Best Practices

Virtual interviews have been around for quite a while, but the commonality has grown significantly with the advance of technology and our current challenge of social distancing.  If you have gotten comfortable with jumping on a video call, you may have become accepting of your cat walking by your camera…

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Board of Advisors Make Businesses Better

“If I had a popcorn stand on Courthouse Square, I would have a board.” Clay Mathile, former CEO and owner of The Iams Company. I happen to deeply agree with this statement.  We find a significant difference in those organizations we represent that do and do not have a board guiding…

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How to Set Up a High Performing Team

Every business should strive to build high performing teams. After all, if you’re not performing, then you’re not succeeding to the best of your potential. There are many great high-performing team models that you can look at, and within these, there is often plenty of overlap. Managing and developing your…

Category: Corporate Culture
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Take the Opportunity to Build Your Leadership Team Now for the Future of Your Organization

This article was originally published by the Northern Kentucky Tribune and can be found here. Albert Einstein’s name is commonly associated with genius in the realms of physics and science given his revolutionary prowess in both fields. However, what is often forgotten is that he was also heralded for philosophical…

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How to Build Highly Effective Teams for Your Business

Does your job require you to develop effective teams? Do you feel a little uncomfortable with how to make this happen? This article will provide strategies for building a highly effective team. Keep reading to also find tips about transforming established teams into dream teams. Qualities Found in Effective Teams Do…

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What Business Owners Need to Know About Diversity in Leadership

The full version of this article was originally published by Cincinnati Business Courier and can be found here. We are halfway through 2020, a year destined to be remembered as a landmark one in history with “change” as the optimal word to describe the experience so far. Nearly every facet…

Category: Corporate Culture
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The Value of Hiring and Developing Talent for Leadership

A retirement crisis is on the horizon in the United States. Baby boomers are retiring in large numbers creating a leadership void for American businesses. This generation owns 2.34 million small businesses in the United States. They employ more than 25 million people. Stunningly, nearly 60% of these business owners…

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