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Category: Career Growth & Coaching

Transition Tips You Probably Haven’t Considered

As leaders, we are often focused on the next challenge to conquer, the next goal to achieve, the next hurdle to overcome.  It’s exciting to take on new endeavors and see where they will lead us.  And then there are the challenges you’d like to avoid.  Specifically, the unpleasant obstacle of…

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Mistakes Executives Make with Their Network

A large percentage of our placements come from referrals. The clear message is that networks are a vital resource when you are in job transition. But what happens to your network when you’re not looking for your next job? When you’re secure in a job, do you lose touch with your…

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Clarity Makes a Vision Reality

Strategic Planning season is coming to a close.  You've talked about your organization's purpose--it's reason for being. You've kicked around your mission statement, or how you will get from point A to point B.  Most importantly, you have dreamed, and continue to dream, about your organizational vision--what you hope to…

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Top Tips for Writing an Executive-Level Resume

Resume writing can be a daunting task. Writing it can be especially hard for an accomplished executive with decades of experience. How can a single document adequately capture all the knowledge and potential you have to offer? Your resume is your marketing piece. It needs to sell you. Before it…

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Is Fear the Skeleton in Your Closet?

It's that time of year when “scared” is normal. A big, hairy 6 foot spider dangling from a neighbor’s rooftop would seemingly provoke a scream from a startled passerby, but at Halloween, it's simply part of the landscape. When all of the caution tape and spider webs are packed away,…

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Trust: The Pillar of Centennial’s Relationships

Before joining the Centennial team in April, I was Senior Director of Programs for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.  In this role, I interacted with hundreds of talented senior executives.  When it was time to move on, I chose to work with Centennial, since the Centennial team shares my passion for…

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In Career Transition? Do Two Things Now.

Except for very rare exceptions, we will all find ourselves in a career transition sometime in our life, and very likely, more than once.  Naturally, career transition may be a time of anxiety, fueled by the uncertainty that accompanies it. However, it is possible to navigate this tumultuous time and…

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What Got You Here: Tips for Transition

High level professionals often thrive on projects and accomplishing the things they set out to do. A lot of those things are externally focused. If there is one thing successful senior leaders are good at, it is execution. Whether that means executing tasks on a list or putting a complicated…

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Overcoming 3 Networking Misconceptions

1. Networking is not an event. It's a process of building for the long term. Networking isn't about appearing, it's about connecting. Even if you join lots of organizations, you may not have a network. It’s about what you DO and SAY when you are there. You must do more…

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