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Centennial, Inc. Receives Two Prestigious Awards

The BBB and the Goering Center Recognize Centennial, Inc. 2010 has been a tremendous year for Centennial, Inc. Not only is business thriving with the upward trending of the economy, but we have been honored with two very prominent awards in the midst of our activity. We are deeply grateful…

Category: Resources
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Top 3 Challenges Facing Leaders Today – Part 2

This is the second of 2 articles addressing the top challenges leaders are facing today. When Mike Sipple Jr. was asked what he would list as the top challenges in today’s ever-changing marketplace, his first comment was, “CHANGE is the new NORMAL!” He continued by sharing this perspective... Employee engagement. Everyone…

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How To Retain Your Top Talent

We are frequently asked, "Once you get the right talent and leadership on-board, what do you do next?" Many executives and business owners don't have a plan for their latest hire once he or she joins their team.  Their strategy ends at the point of having the offer accepted. Centennial's…

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Hiring: How can we find the “best” people for our company?

Hiring Managers - How Do You Find the Best People for Your Company? We get asked this hiring question all the time...Mike Sipple Jr. weighs in to share his thoughts and opinions! The first step is to be sure you truly know what you're looking for - be able to…

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Resume Tips: What will help get me noticed?

Many people want to know, "What are the most effective resume tips that will help get me noticed?"  We offer the following tips to help your resume stand out. The biggest mistake that job seekers make with their resume is that they list their duties and responsibilities for the positions…

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Does Your Job Description Ensure Highly Qualified Candidates? Part 1

What Should Be in a Job Description?   When asked, "What should be included in a job description to ensure highly qualified candidates?", Mike Sipple Sr. shares the following with his clients and relationships: Create the job requisition, which typically includes a list of criteria. Sit down with the decision…

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Top 3 Challenges Facing Leaders Today – Part 1

This is the first of two articles addressing the biggest challenges leaders are facing today. When asked the question, "What are the top three challenges facing leaders today?" Mike Sipple Sr. shares... Leaders need to redefine what "leadership" means to their organizations.  They should be questioning - "what do we…

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How to Find the Right Talent Amidst All the Applicants

What's the best way to find the "needle in the haystack" when we get hundreds of resumes for every job posting during our recruiting process?   The Solution: do not be in this position in the first place. Instead of managing a flood of applicants, you should always be 'on the…

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Recruit Smarter: How Can We Attract People Who will Be Successful in Our Company?

Recruit Smarter T.J. Bugg's thoughts on how to attract and recruit the 'right' talent to your organization: "You have to create a work environment where people want to be. This doesn't mean you work thirty hours a week and make better money than anyone.  What is does mean is that you…

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