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Advice from Mom

The Centennial team took some time to recognize the impact our moms have had on us.  There's no arguing that mothers have a tremendous influence on who we have become. That influence can be seen in the lessons they passed onto us. Some of the advice from our moms was…

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Help! My New Company Does Not Have an Onboarding Plan!

Research shows how critical a well-planned onboarding process is to employee retention.  Knowing that organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 54% greater new hire productivity, along with 50% greater new hire retention is worth noting.  Even though this is the case, many companies do not have formal onboarding.  Does…

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6 Ways to Improve Your Communication Effectiveness

Being a good communicator tops the list of just about every list of leadership qualifications (ours included!) Some people seem to be born with the ability to capture thoughts just right and deliver them in a way that is engaging and clear.  And then there are the rest of us,…

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Pandemic-proof Leadership Characteristics

The pandemic has reinforced the importance of strong organizational leadership. A learning from this time is that the companies “caving” from the pressure of constant unknowns were the ones that lacked strong leadership. Our Centennial team has had hundreds of conversations with various industry leaders since the pandemic’s start. From…

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What You May Not Know About Executive Search Firms

Do you need to hire a key leader for your organization?  Is the need to hire causing you stress but you're not sure you can manage a full-scale recruiting process on top of everything else you are doing? Are you uncertain about where to start? This is normal.  That is…

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Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started My Consulting Business

The life of an entrepreneur is exciting but challenging. There are so many lessons you learn when you start your own business - and most of those lessons come with a healthy dose of growing pains.  Mike Sipple Jr. was able to reflect on his top lessons during an interview…

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Hiring “By Committee”

It is a common practice for nonprofit organizations, family-owned businesses, and even large organizations to pull together an internal search team or committee when they are seeking their next executive. (In this post, we will refer to this group as the “search team.”)  At Centennial, we are often hired by…

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What Should I Read?

The end of December often brings with it a few days to slow down and unplug.  If you are like me, you look forward to some extra time to sink into a good book.  These slower-paced days provide larger chunks of time that can be dedicated to reading without any…

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Be Thankful, Especially When Life is Challenging

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it may not look like any Thanksgiving you have ever had before.  So many of our traditions have been disrupted due to the pandemic, and Thanksgiving is no exception. In spite of the many details that have not gone as planned, it is…

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