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Working for a Nonprofit is Not Always What You Think

There can be many misconceptions about what it is like working for a nonprofit organization.  If you dream of changing lives and having a positive impact on the community by working at a nonprofit, you need to know the reality of the challenges that come with it.  Yes, it’s incredibly…

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Hiring a Non-Family Executive into a Family Business

Written by Centennial's Executive Vice President, Becky Scheeler. Your family business is growing and with that growth comes the need to hire someone to fill a key leadership role.  Up to this point, family members have filled the senior leadership roles.  However, no one in the family is qualified or…

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A Hiring Committee and Hundreds of Opinions

Toilynn O’Neal Turner’s experience leading a hiring committee for a nonprofit with lots of stakeholders

Finding the best person to lead your nonprofit organization is a challenge. Add to that the need to work effectively with your fellow hiring team members as well as allow for the many external constituents that want a voice in the hiring decision, and you have yourself a daunting task.…

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12 Ways to Support Your Favorite Nonprofit

Nonprofit organizations are a critical part of a healthy community.  They provide essential services to people who are underserved by the government and private sector.  However, to continue their significant impact on the community, they need funding to keep their programming going. Fundraising is an ongoing challenge for nonprofit organizations. …

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Moving from For-Profit to Nonprofit – the career switch

One person’s story of switching careers to nonprofit after 22 years working in for-profit

What would it be like to move from a career in the for-profit sector to one in nonprofit? Will it be more challenging than expected?  Will it be as fulfilling as imagined? What should a person expect and how can you prepare for the change? This article will give you…

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Who Will Take Over the Family Business? – The Succession of a Family Business

When it is time to address succession in a family business, there are many considerations that need careful attention.  Most family business owners will naturally look to the next generation for the successor.  This hand-off is not a decision that should be assumed by either generation.  For the sake of…

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What Every Nonprofit Should Know About Having a Board

A board of directors can make a significant difference in the success of your nonprofit organization. A board comprised of knowledgeable, diverse and well-connected individuals can collectively provide your nonprofit with numerous benefits.  Not only can they offer wise guidance for your organization’s operational and financial decisions, but they can…

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What Is Family Business Succession? (And How Do I Make It Successful?)

When family members are your coworkers, business can get complicated. This is especially true if you plan to pass your business on to family members after you retire. If you're running a family business, making a succession plan for the future is a must. Family business succession is a plan…

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Hiring a Nonprofit Leader with No Nonprofit Experience – disastrous or brilliant?

You have a key position to fill for your nonprofit organization and there are interested candidates with no nonprofit experience, are they automatically disqualified?  This is the question we want to unpack and examine.  The answer should not be a quick one.  As you will see, there are very solid…

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